Mitutoyo Factory Tours


As a leading global manufacturer, Mitutoyo has developed a close-knit network both in Japan and overseas that ranges from manufacturing to sales and includes the training of professionals who use measuring instruments. In recent years, Mitutoyo has made significant multi-million-dollar investments in its manufacturing facilities and software laboratories, further underscoring its commitment to delivering best-in-class metrology products



Utsonomiya CMM Factory Tour

Take a closer look into our CMM factory within Utsonomiya to view the production of our world-class, three-dimensional measuring machines. See the type of components our CMMs are capable of measuring, as well as the constant processes behind CNC production and CMM inspection.

Utsonomiya Small Tool Factory Tour

Also in Utsonomiya is our small tools factory. Watch the video above to understand where our Calipers originated, and how using fully automated systems and precision processing has elevated these Calipers into becoming a worldwide leading instrument in metrology.

Miyazaki & Nakatsugawa Factory Tour

The video above gives a tour on both our Miyazaki and Nakatsugawa factories. This includes details on the first ever factory to produce pure white ceramic gauge blocks, the process behind our cylinder gauge production, and how Mitutoyo use both automatic and semi-automatic assembly lines to maximise efficiency and skills.

Kure Factory Tour

The Kure factory is where we produce our shape measuring instruments, such as our roundness, contour and surface roughness measuring machines. Involving experienced craftsman, the video above details the accuracy and skills required in the production of these machines, as well as how crucial sharing these skills are, to prepare the next generation.

Kiyohara Factory Tour

This video takes you on a tour around our Kiyohara factory, where we specialise in Linear Scales. These highly accurate scales have excellent environmental resistance and are produced on an efficient assembly line. The Kiyohara factory also has a 9m deep underground research building, where our ultra-high precision “Nano Calibration Master 1600” measuring machine is in operation.

Gohara, Shiwa and Kochi Factory Tour

Our extensive range of Micrometers are manufactured in both the Gohara and Shiwa factories. The Gohara factory design and manufacture Micrometers moulds and cast products, while our Shiwa factory includes a full automation line involving a range of production processes. The video also shows you our Kochi factory, which is our Micrometer Heads are produced.

Kawasaki Factory Tour

Within the Kawasaki factory, we manufacture optical equipment such as lenses and image measuring machines. This is our sole optical processing plant across our facilities. Watch the factory tour video above to view how our lenes are produced, and how the Takumi Meister System contributes to both Mitutoyo as a company, and society as a whole.